EOZ appointed the official merch partner of VRChat!

EOZ has doubled down on the VRChat and the community! We are proud and humbled to annouce that VRChat has appointed EOZ to be the official merch partner!!! This has been the culmination of years of effort from EOZ together with VRChat.

This partnership entails the following:
1. VRChat official merch will be retailed by EOZ (on eozvr.com) and our various distributors worldwide.

2. EOZ will be manufacturing official merch for VRChat going ahead. Utilising various VRChat intellectual property and creating various products centered around VRChat.

This continues the excellent partnership initiated when VRChat and EOZ collaborated on the VRChat X EOZ Straps for full body tracking. EOZ has consistently delivered on product, service and quality to the VRChat community at an affordable price.

To celebrate this milestone, EOZ is giving all customers who bought the VRChat Straps a coupon code to redeem a free VRCat Iron-On patch from eozvr.com, starting from 20 Mar 2025, 9am Singapore Time. (19 Mar 2025, 8pm EST)

We will continue to engage the VRChat community on future merch to make, and we will continue to serve the community to our best efforts! Keep your eyes peeled and look out for our latest merch for VRChat.

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