About Us
Who are we, what's our company called?
Our official registered company name is N7R Infotech Co., Ltd. and we are a bunch of VR, Gaming and Mobile enthusiasts gathered together. Our teammates are from Singapore and China.
So, who/what s is EOZ?
Well, EOZ is the brand owned by N7R. EOZ specialises in designing straps and accessories for Full Body Tracking! That's why you're here!
We are building EOZ into the apparel brand of choice for various Hi-Tech activities and designing gear for full body tracking. Gaming and working in VR, motion capturing for virtual production, and training in AR/VR are just a few examples. We are for athletes, creators, and most importantly VR consumers.—but we’re more than just that. We represent a passion for life and movement, we believe that time and age are never limits to expressing yourself, and that everyone deserves to express your individuality. Regardless of your gender, you can follow your heart and dance happily, you can be brave and say hello to strangers all over the world, life is to be experienced right here & right now, and together we can embrace a bigger and more exciting world.

We believe each one of you is irreplaceable to this world. You you you and you all make up the whole world. Every action you take, every consumption you make, is a vote to build your ideal world.
From the community, for the community: This is EOZ.